SEO for Blogspot Bloggers

SEO stands for search engine optimization and is key to gaining blog traffic from Google, Yahoo or and other search engine. Blogspot blogs require a little more work in the seo department but its not that big of a deal.

Improving Seo on your blog

Seo can be a hard concept to master. There are many ways you can tweak your blog so that it has better seo. Improving seo often requires changing of the html to your blog. This can easily be done by going to the homepage, selecting layout and then edit html.

Improving seo can rather complicated. Here are some simple ways you can optimize seo for your blog.

1. Write good content - If you decide to only do one simple seo fix, this should be it. If your content is original and fresh, Google will be more likely to index a higher number of pages.

2. Links - Higher blogs that have links to your blog will help your blog out in the long run.

3. Keywords in Titles - Keywords in your post titles are very important because they tell Google what your posts are about.

This post generalized seo in nutshell. There are tons more tips out there to help you improve seo for your blogspot blog. Stay tuned for tips in the future.


  1. Edwin  

    November 21, 2009 at 1:46 PM

    Nice blog I subbed

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